
Prominent Business Executives Who Keep a Low Profile

Sometimes the biggest and most successful business people remain out of the limelight. They lead successful corporations or have extraordinary accomplishments but are little known by the general public. They could be leaders in just about any industry and are no doubt known by many in their field, but they do not seek publicity and so do not often make it in the news or popular culture. Certain fields lend themselves to maintaining a low profile.

Real Estate Executives

The world of real estate does not always depend upon a high degree of self-promotion, though sometimes it does. In many cases, an executive in this field just goes about his or her business and can build a large company in the process. Once successful in this arena, the person also has other options for success, often expanding business interests. Stefan Soloviev is an example of a person who has many accomplishments in this area, but who is little known by most people.

The World of Law

Not all successful lawyers are household names such as Gloria Allred and Michael Cohen. In fact, many prefer to keep a low profile, even when working with quite famous clients. One example of this is James Adams, who has a career representing some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, including Kevin Hart and John Krasinski. He enjoys working with ambitious performers who like to do more than just act. For example, Krasinski has a successful acting career, but he also writes and directs movies. Adams says that he takes satisfaction in making complicated negotiations turn out favorably for his clients.

Sports Agents

While some sports agents have a high profile and their names are regularly in the news, that is not true of all of them. Scott Boras is certainly a name that many people will recognize and he is routinely listed as the top sports agent in the world. Flying under the radar a bit, though, is David Mulugheta, a sports agent that is not nearly as well known, at least not by the general public.

This football agent has made his mark in the NFL, representing top talents such as Deshaun Watson, Michael Thomas and Jalen Ramsey. Though Mulugheta, the son of immigrants from Eritrea, is not as well known as some of his clients, he still makes as much as $40 a year in commissions. He is a prime example of not needing to be famous to be successful.

Business Nest

Business Nest’s goal is to help entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams and to assist anyone working in a small business makes smart decisions about products, services, and ideas.

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