
Integrative Physical Therapy- Opioid Free Therapy

Physical Therapy! Most people suffer from one or different sorts of pain at some point in their lives. May it be arthritis, joint pain, or pain from any injury, it can impact your sleep, work, and daily activities. It further spoils your quality time with friends and family. Hence, pain management becomes very important at this stage for overall relief so people can enjoy their lives uninterruptedly.

Are you experiencing any such pain or have you experienced it in the past? Then you know it very well that opioids have been a constant source of medication for Americans to treat pain. And it is also a known fact how dangerous it can be to use opioids for the long term! The most saddening part is that more than 180,000 people have died due to the overdose of opioid prescriptions in the United States of America.

Thus, it’s always advisable to avoid opioids and opt for effective nonpharmacological modalities like massage, therapies, etc. These have the primary goal of lessening pain and improving the function and quality of life without any side effects.

When we talk about such therapeutic treatments, nothing can be better than Integrative Physical Therapy. It is a holistic approach to living a pain-free life while uplifting your body, mind, and spirit. The New Jersey Centers of Physical Therapy is a pioneer of effectively offering this therapy by expert professionals.

 They say, “Don’t just mask the pain… Treat it. Choose Physical Therapy for safe pain management and treatment”. 

In this blog, we will discuss the different benefits of Integrative Physical Therapy, which can help you manage pain in a comprehensive way (the best part is without any harmful aftermaths!).

Read on

Treat the Roots of Your Pain

What is exactly causing your pain? Is there a chronic issue? Or is it an old injury that is causing you the pain now? It is important to identify what is causing you the pain to treat it in the best possible way so that there is no recurrence afterward. The Integrative Physical Therapists exactly do that and that is what makes their treatment an effective one.

A Customized Treatment for You

When it comes to Integrative Physical Therapy, there is no one size fits all treatment plan. This is because every individual has different needs. The therapy or treatment that someone needs if he/she has chronic pain or injury is not the exact thing that a person will need to improve the quality of their life.

When you get into physical rehabilitation sessions, the therapist will tailor a customized treatment plan for you. He/she will tell you whether you need just some light stretching or you need to learn some specific posture to get relieved from the pain. Thus, if you opt for integrative physical therapy, you will get more attention and exclusive treatment for yourself, unlike opioids which are common for all.

Treat Yourself Wholly

Integrative Physical Therapy doesn’t just treat symptoms, rather it treats your entire body. It is a holistic approach to managing pain in all three dimensions of body, mind, and spirit. This kind of treatment also incorporates the cultural aspect of pain management. So, if you go for this integrative pain management therapy, you will be empowered about stress management.

Also, you will be taught about breathwork, relaxation techniques, meditative approaches, etc. As a result, with integrative physical therapy, you will not just treat your pain, rather you will be able to work on all the emotional and physical factors that might lead you to different pain levels. Finally, you will enjoy much more measurable results while managing your pain.

Wrapping Up 

Have you not tried Integrative Pain Management before?

Don’t wait anymore! Try it now and get relieved from all types of pain.

For more valuable information visit this website

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